Warmup API

Process and cache your images before the first request with the Warmup API by Cloudimage

The Warmup API allows you to proactively cache your images in the Cloudimage infrastructure for faster processing before receiving the first request from your end users. We recommend to warm-up Cloudimage in the following cases:

  • upon launching a new collection of thousands/millions of images - to make sure that at launch time, all images will be pre-processed and rocket fast for end users;

  • at upload - to make sure that the uploaded image is already pre-processed to be immediately accessible for end users;

  • when dealing with large images (large animated GIF files, gigapixels pictures, etc.) - as pre-processing is important to save time on first load;

  • performance is a top priority even if it’s on the first load.

Creating a warm-up task

You can provide a list of your images either in a txt/csv file or in the request's body.


URL list from a file

List file format

You need to provide a text file with all your images for the warm-up (one URL per line):



curl --location --request POST 'https://warmup.api.cloudimage.com/warmup/urls' \
--header 'X-Client-Key: client_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
--form 'file=@url_list.csv'

X-Client-Key is the client's API key (can be found in Admin Console left menu : Settings / CDN Invalidation).


    "status": "success",
    "count_added": 4,
    "count_failed": 0,
    "msg": ""

URL list in request body


curl --location --request POST 'https://warmup.api.cloudimage.com/warmup/urls' \
--header 'X-Client-Key: client_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
--header 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"data": ["/sample.li/logo-cloudimg-black.png?w=200", "/sample.li/logo-cloudimg-white.png?w=200", "/sample.li/logo-cloudimg-yellow.png?w=200"]}'

X-Client-Key is the client's API key (can be found in Admin Console left menu : Settings / CDN Invalidation).


    "status": "success",
    "count_added": 4,
    "count_failed": 0,
    "msg": ""

Getting warm-up status

You can check the status of the warm-up tasks for the last 5 days.

GET https://warmup.api.cloudimage.com/warmup/stats


curl --location --request GET 'https://warmup.api.cloudimage.com/warmup/stats' \
--header 'X-Client-Key: client_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'


    "status": "success",
    "msg": "This is the status count of your requests for the last 5 days. The new requests appear as added and once the warmup is complete, they will increase the failed or the success counters",
    "stats": {
        "added": 9543,
        "success": 749,
        "failed": 12

Last updated

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