
Save combinations of commonly used parameters in presets


If you wish to apply the same transformations on many images, you can define presets and apply transformations only using the preset name (X).

All Image operations and Image filters can be included in a preset, as well as Image watermarking and Image compression parameters.

Defining presets

You can define your presets in the admin panel, Image Settings / Presets.

Using presets


Here are a couple of images using the sample presets shown above.

Extending presets

You can use additional operations together with a preset. Here is an example:

Here are a couple of examples of how you can extend the presets from above:

Please note that an operation defined in any given preset cannot be overridden in the URL. For example, if a preset named small_img contains w=200, using /original_image_url?p=small_img&w=400 will still yield a 200-pixel-wide image.

Last updated