Static watermark
Statically defined image overlay
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Statically defined image overlay
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This function will watermark selected images with the same watermark - an image set in the Cloudimage admin console. This is useful for placing your company logo, name, or other copyright information. If you would like to watermark different images with different watermarks, please refer to the Dynamic watermark section.
Log in to your Cloudimage admin console, navigate to Image Settings / Watermark, and upload your default watermark using the uploader.
use watermark
(required) Activates the watermark function
watermark gravity
Defines the position to "anchor" the watermark to
watermark scaling (relative to original watermark size)
Watermark image scaling defined in in percent of the watermark dimensions
watermark scaling (relative to output image size)
Watermark image scaling defined in in percent of the output image dimensions
watermark padding
Adds padding from the anchoring point in pixels (X) or in percent (Xp)
watermark positon
sets the position in percent from the resized image; works only with wat_gravity=absolute and wat_gravity=relative
watermark opacity
Defines watermark opacity
To activate the watermark function, you need to include the wat=1 parameter.
The wat_gravity parameter allows you to define the position of the watermark. You can choose between "fixed" anchor points (east, northeast, north, northwest, west, southwest, south, southeast, and center) or define the exact position (relative, absolute).
When using "compass" point gravity, the wat_pad parameter defines the offset from the chosen position. The padding can be defined in pixels (wat_pad=X[,Y]) or in percent of output size (wat_pad=Xp[,Yp]). The padding is applied after scaling the final image and then it is compressed (see Compression) and delivered via CDN.
To set the exact position of the watermark, you can choose absolute or relative gravity and use the wat_pos parameter to define the position of the top left or center point of the watermark, respectively. The position is always defined in percent of the resized image dimensions.
The watermark can be scaled relative to the original watermark image (wat_scale=X) or relative to the output image (wat_scale=Xp).
To keep the watermark-to-image proportions for all image resizes, you should use the wat_scale=Xp.
Please note that the watermark cannot be larger than the image - if larger, it is always scaled down first to match the image dimensions. Then, the wat_scale parameter values are applied.
Watermark scaled down to 45% of its original size (1178px), results in 530px watermark: /
Watermark scaled relative to the output image dimensions (618px watermark): /
Absolute positioning - the top left corner of the watermark is position at 7% and 5% of the image width and height, respectively: